The Roanoke Island Inn, located in the small town of Manteo, is home to one of the most unusual ghosts on an already peculiar island. Owned by the same family since its construction in the 1860s, it has welcomed guests to Roanoke Island since the early 20th century.
Today, it is run by John Wilson, the great-grandson of Asa Jones, the original owner. Asa and his wife Martha built this home to keep his family in it for generations. However, unbeknownst to him, he would unintentionally trap some of them here for eternity.
Venture with us on this sad tale of loss, despair, and death, and discover who haunts this history Inn.
Explore the mysteries of Roanoke Island on a ghost tour with US Ghost Adventures! Hear about the Postmaster’s Ghost and much more!
Asa Jones was born in 1849 in East Lake, North Carolina, and constructed his new home in the small island community of Manteo sometime in the 1860s.
He and his wife lived a prosperous life here, bringing nine children into the world, all of whom helped with the upkeep of the massive estate. Roanoke established itself as a tourist destination after the success of the 1937 play The Lost Colony.
The Jones family turned their home into an Inn in 1937, opening their doors to swarms of curious newcomers. This tradition of unbridled hospitality continues to this day, all under the watch of the Jones family.
But there is something odd about the Roanoke Island Inn. Many hear inexplicable sounds in the middle of the night and feel an unseen presence. It seems that one of the Jones clan could not let their beloved family home go.
At one point, the house was owned by Roscoe Conklin Jones, Asa and Martha’s fifth child. Jones lived in the house from his birth in 1884 to his death in 1953. The son of Asa, he was a hardworking man like his father and served an important role in the island town.
He was the first postmaster for the short-lived Griffin Post Office in Nags Head until taking that tile in Manteo in 1922. He loved his job dearly but was sadly let go one day. After receiving a letter from the US Postal Service, his service ended in 1934, likely due to the Great Depression.
Poor Jones fell into a depression, becoming reclusive, and was rarely seen by those close to him. His home became an Inn during this period, and guests flooded his haven.
While others were in the house, he would not leave his room, running daily operations behind closed doors. The situation was so dire that he did not come down for dinner, and his wife often left his supper on the table. Jones would take it back to his room late at night to eat alone.
When, finally, no one was around, he would leave the house late at night to walk his old postal route.
He died in 1953, and many believe his spirit still resides in the old Inn. After his death, locals and visitors reported seeing a man wearing a postal officer’s uniform leaving and entering the front door on a daily basis.
Other odd things occur in the Inn as well. Vases would smash on their own, blinds would mysteriously flutter while the windows were closed, and radios would be turned on and off at their leisure. Today, the creepy sound of disembodied footsteps can often be heard from the top floor.
The most glaringly obvious act of Roscoe’s spectral presence occurred in 2005 when a young couple was at the Roanoke Island Inn. They reported their jewelry moved around as if someone had broken in and tampered with it.
Unaware that they were staying in Roscoe’s old room, they thought little of it until their jewelry box opened on its own! The current owner, John Wilson, told them not to worry about it. It seems that Roscose is as harmless as they come.
Explore the mysteries of the Outer Banks, Roanoke Island, and the haunted streets of Manteo with US Ghost Adventures! We cover it all, from the lost colony of Roanoke to the friendly postmaster’s ghost of The Roanoke Island Inn.
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