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The Wolf Man: Legends of The Werewolf and Lycans

Friday, January 17th, sees the release of the horror/fantasy blockbuster Wolf Man starring Julia Garner. As the name suggests, it brings the idea of the Werewolf clawing back into pop culture. So, how has the concept of the Werewolf been so embedded in storytelling?

Few creatures, fictional or otherwise, have lived so long in the dark recesses of the minds of men as the Werewolf. For millennia, these mythical creatures have embodied man’s greatest fears and even been a symbol of its greatest strengths.

The image of a half-man, half-wolf creature has pervaded through time and leapt from the oldest of nightmarish fables to the silver screen, crawling and snarling their way into nightmares for centuries.

So often a source of terror, could it be that these vicious and mysterious creatures are soft, cuddly, and misunderstood?
It’s safe to rule out soft and cuddly, but there’s much more to the Werewolf than meets the mind’s eye. Known by different names, one incarnation of these feared fang bearers is the Lycan. But what’s the difference? Keep a pillow handy to hide behind because you’re about to find out.

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What is a Lycan?

The word Lycan originally stems from the Greek word ‘Lycanthropy,’ which is the belief that man can turn into a wolf. Were you standing toe to toe, or even nose to snout with a Lycan, you’d be forgiven for being mildly preoccupied and not perhaps conducting a mental deep dive on whether this monstrous figure was, in fact, a Werewolf or Lycan. 

These shapeshifting embodiments of man and wolf have relative control over the form they choose, but as you stare into the glowing eyes of the beast, remember that you can’t make the distinction from appearance. 

Having cleaned oneself up and regained composure, it would be best to consider the origins of both. That is where the first obvious difference can be found. 

The Lycan and the Werewolf both have a staggeringly long and storied history, but where the story was told can have a big bearing on whether your large and rather terrifying figure is either Werewolf or Lycan.

History of the Lycan and the Werewolf

The origins of these mythical creatures can be clearly pinpointed back to the oldest recorded Western prose, The Epic Of Gilgamesh. This places the furry shapeshifter as far back as 2100 BC. 

The epic from Ancient Mesopotamia sees the hero Gilgamesh spurn the advances of a lover, as she had already turned a previous bae into a werewolf. 

Now hop in your mental time machine and hurtle forward to Ancient Greece in the 8th century BC. It’s here that the legend of King Lycaon is told. King Lycaon is portrayed as a charming fella who kills and cooks his son to be served to the god Zeus. 

In doing so, King Lycaon puts Zeus through the earliest known ‘Pepsi Challenge’ of sorts in an attempt to see whether he possesses enough godly insight to know he’s eating human flesh. 

Rather than request to speak to the manager, Zeus was disgusted and cursed the Macabre Chef by turning him into a beast. He then killed Lycaon’s 50 sons with lighting, and the first Lycan was born. 

In a further twist, it’s likely that the Greek tales of old found their origins in the Minoan civilization of Crete. This suggests that the disturbing tale may even predate the Mesopotamian Werewolf. 

The Werewolf is heavily featured in European folklore, and an unpleasant parallel was found with the concept of ‘witch hunts.’ 

In the 15th century, in what is now Switzerland, people were accused, tried, and put to death for being shapeshifting wolfmen. It seems that it’s not easy being a werewolf. Particularly when, in fact, you’re not one. 

Modern pop-culture depictions, such as An American Werewolf in London and Teen Wolf, depict varying degrees of gore and affection for the concept but reaffirm the ancient beast in the people’s psyche. 

Know Your Werewolf

Although they have clearly different starting points in time, the centuries have blended the concepts of Lycan and Werewolf into a more amorphous retelling of the idea.

Several creatures also fall into the category of being shady shapeshifters in the more umbrella-like view of Lycans and Werewolves. 

  • Werewolves
  • Werebears
  • Weretigers
  • Wereboars
  • Werepanthers

There are also different categories that these hairy harry’s fall into.


Driven by primal instinct and at the mercy of the full moon, this creature is often portrayed as a large and exaggerated wolf or vicious wolf-human combo platter with fur, fangs, and razor-sharp claws. Once transformed into the Werewolf, this killer no longer has control of his actions.


This cheeky chap isn’t beholden to the full moon and is afforded more freedom to kill and maim at will by his ability to change form at will.

Being mostly human but with some fur, fangs, and claws, this guy is probably the variation that should be talking to an agent or keeping his glowing red eyes out for those NBA scouts. 


This fearsome character can actually find his origins in ancient Navajo mythology and is a departure from the traditional Werewolf or Lycan concept. 

Able to use magic to transform into a variety of animals. In animal form, human intelligence is retained, although this creature is associated with dark intent. 


Channeling the well-earned stereotype of a drunk marauding Scandinavian, this being is of European origin and can be found in Ancient Norse mythology. 

Unable to take the form of the wolf, possibly because of too many ales, this beast can embody the mind of the wolf. Turning the man into a rampaging, ferocious, and aggressive blur of violence. Accusations of raping and pillaging remain unconfirmed. 

Werewolves Among Us!

So it’s all fiction. Right? Wrong. Think of this as a survival guide to know thy enemy. 

Numerous encounters across the globe, even caught on camera, make one thing irrefutable. They are among us. 

One stunning encounter caught on CCTV appears to show a man being chased by another. Upon being thrown to the ground by the assailant, the ‘man’ retaliates by apparently letting an entire Werewolf leap out of his body, helping gently change the attacker’s mind. 

The aggressor immediately turns over a new leaf and promptly jogs to the nearest department store for clean underwear. 

Brazil has proved to be a veritable dog-pound of Werewolf sightings through the years, and one video includes what is said to be footage of a truly disturbing beast lurking in the shadows. The humanoid-wolf form is unmistakable and makes for chilling viewing.

If you’re sensing relief that these gruesome killers are Brazil’s problem, pour yourself a stiff drink. Certain parts of the United States have also become notorious venues for the demonic dog men. 

In the 1980s, Wisconsin was the location for the ‘Bray Road’ sighting, which was named after the rural farm road where the encounter is said to have taken place. 

A local woman was terrified after believing she had struck an animal with her car in the dark. After exiting the vehicle to investigate, the petrified lady was confronted by what was described as a 7-foot-tall beast that chased her back to her vehicle. Claw marks were visible on the car as she narrowly made her escape.

‘Well, that was the 80s, ’ I hear you say. There have been several animal mutilations reported in the area, and a further sighting was made in 2020. There’s something to ponder over your next order of Cheese Curds. 

‘Were’ Would You Be Without Them

Whether you’re an enthusiast of Lycan and Werewolf fiction or are currently at the auto repair shop explaining to a mechanic that “No! Seriously! The claw marks are from a Werewolf!” there is no doubting the deep fascination that these mythic beasts hold over the human imagination.

Next time you’re out for a walk in the woods, Just remember, that strange human-like black outline you see through the trees IS DEFINITELY a Werewolf. Sweet dreams. 

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