Haunted South Carolina — are you afraid of the dark?

This southern state has a rich, dynamic history, and where there is history, there are bound to be ghost stories. From the specters of a lovesick bride to a proverbial hound from Hell, the state is filled with haunted spots that will send shivers down your spine. These tales are not just for the superstitious, as most of the tales have evidence to back them up. 

The region has a reputation for its dark past and numerous ectoplasmic sightings. Whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, these haunted locations in South Carolina are guaranteed to give you a spine-tingling ride and a terror-filled read. So, let’s explore some of the most haunted places in South Carolina… if you dare.

Want to explore some of South Carolina’s most haunted locations? Check out our ghost tours in Beaufort, Charleston, and Myrtle Beach!


Why Is South Carolina so haunted?


Throughout the state’s history, there have been many tragedies, including wars, natural disasters, and epidemics, which have left their blighted mark on the land and the people who live there. The combination of historical trauma, spiritual beliefs, and cultural traditions has given rise to many ghost stories and legends, making South Carolina one of the most haunted states in the country. From spook-filled cemeteries to eerie old mansions, South Carolina has plenty of spots that will keep you awake at night.

The Battery Carriage House

It is one of the most haunted places in the state. This historic inn, built in 1843, has a long and mysterious history that has contributed to its Lovecraftian reputation. It’s said that the Battery Carriage House was once a quarantine station for yellow fever patients during the 19th century. Many of these patients died in the house, and their spirits are said to linger there to this day. Visitors to the inn have reported hearing strange noises, cold spots, and even ghostly apparitions. One of the most famous ghosts associated with the Battery Carriage House is the “Gentleman Ghost,” who is said to be a former guest who died in the joint and now haunts Room 8. Guests have reported seeing the ghostly figure of a man dressed in old-fashioned clothing, who sometimes moves objects in the room or opens and closes doors.

In addition to the Gentleman Ghost, there are many other reported hauntings at the Battery Carriage House, including ghostly children who play in the courtyard, the spirit of a former slave who wanders the property, and the ghost of a former owner’s daughter who fell to her death from a balcony. The inn offers ghost tours and even a “Ghost Package” for guests who want to stay in Room 8 and experience the hauntings for themselves. Whether or not the hauntings are real, the Battery Carriage House has certainly become an iconic part of South Carolina’s ghostly heritage.

Island off the coast of Murrells Inlet

This is a story that is often told on the shorelines of South Carolina, specifically on the island off the coast of Murrells Inlet. The legend involves a notorious pirate known for his wild and reckless behavior. Drunken Jack was a pirate who roamed the coast of South Carolina in the 1700s, infamous for his drinking, gambling, and pirate-filled exploits.

The legend also suggests that he was very successful at evading the authorities, and he managed to accumulate a great deal of wealth over the years. The story goes on to say that Drunken Jack was eventually caught and sentenced to death. However, before he was executed, he made a deal with the authorities. He promised to reveal the location of his treasure in exchange for his freedom.

The authorities agreed to the deal, and Drunken Jack spilled the beans on the location of his booty. He was then released from prison, but his freedom was short-lived. He was ambushed and killed by a group of pirates who were jealous of his wealth and success. Today, the legend of Drunken Jack lives on, and many people still search for his treasure on the island off the coast of Murrells Inlet. Some say that his spirit still roams the island, searching for his lost treasure. Others claim to have seen ghostly apparitions of Drunken Jack, wandering through the marshes and woods, looking for his gold.

Waccamaw Cemetery, Myrtle Beach

The ghost of Alice Flagg is said to stalk one of South Carolina’s most haunted spots. Alice Flagg was a young woman who lived in the mid-19th century on a plantation on the Waccamaw River near Georgetown. She was known for her beauty and privileged upbringing, but her life was marked by tragedy. Alice fell in love with a man, not from her social class, and her brother disapproved of the relationship, forbidding her from seeing him. Despite her brother’s wishes, Alice secretly saw her lover. 

One day, Alice’s brother caught her with her lover, and he was enraged. He sent her lover away and locked Alice in her room. Alice became ill shortly after and died, still barred in her room. Her spirit still haunts the area, and her ghost has been seen wearing a white dress and wandering near her former home. Many people believe that Alice’s spirit is still restless and is searching for her lost love. It is said that if you leave a gift of flowers at her grave, she will grant you a wish. The legend of Alice Flagg has been passed down through generations and is still a popular ghost story in South Carolina.

Oakwood Cemetery, Spartanburg

Oakwood Cemetery in Spartanburg, South Carolina, is a historic cemetery that dates back to the early 1850s. The cemetery is the final resting place of many of the city’s prominent citizens, including several Civil War soldiers and industry leaders. Over the years, the cemetery has gained a reputation for being haunted. Visitors have reported seeing apparitions and strange lights, hearing disembodied voices, and feeling an eerie presence. Some have even documented physical sensations, such as a feeling of being touched or pushed or sudden changes in temperature. 

One of the most well-known ghost stories associated with Oakwood Cemetery is that of the Lady in White. Legend has it that a young woman was buried in the cemetery in her wedding dress after dying suddenly on her wedding day. Visitors have reported seeing her ghostly figure walking among the graves, her white dress trailing behind her. Another eerie phenomenon that has been reported in Oakwood Cemetery is the sound of babies crying. 

Some grave enthusiasts have reported hearing the sound of crying coming from certain areas of the cemetery, but upon investigation, there are no babies or children to be found. The cemetery contains several unmarked graves, and it is believed that some of those buried there were victims of disease epidemics that ravaged the area in the 19th century.

The South Carolina Lunatic Asylum, Columbia

The South Carolina Lunatic Asylum, now known as the BullStreet District, is a historic location in Columbia, South Carolina, known for its hauntings and unsettling history. The asylum was established in 1821 and was one of the first public mental institutions in the United States. Like most of its time, it had a reputation for being overcrowded and understaffed, leading to the inhumane treatment of patients. The facility’s records indicate that there were numerous cases of patient abuse and neglect, and many patients were subjected to inhumane treatments such as ice baths and electroshock therapy. Some were raped and tortured just for the heck of it. Patients were often restrained for long periods, and some were even left to die in their restraints.

Many visitors to the BullStreet District have reported strange phenomena, including disembodied screams and moans, shadow figures, and unexplained cold spots. The most famous ghost at the asylum is believed to be that of a former patient named Mary, who died in the asylum in the 1850s. Mary is said to appear as a white mist or a full-bodied apparition, and she is often seen wandering the halls of the old asylum.

Other notable ghosts at the asylum include a man in a straightjacket who is seen pacing back and forth in one of the old cell blocks, a woman who is seen wandering the grounds, and the ghosts of several former staff members who are said to haunt the administrative offices.

The Georgetown Lighthouse, Georgetown

The Georgetown Lighthouse is a historic lighthouse that has been guiding ships into the harbor since 1811. The original lighthouse was destroyed in 1862 during the Civil War, and the current structure was built in 1869. The Georgetown Lighthouse has a long and storied history, and many tales of hauntings have been associated with it over the years.

The most famous spook spectacle involves a keeper who was killed during the construction of the current lighthouse. It is said that the ghost of the man haunts the lighthouse to this day and has been seen by many people over the years.

Other hauntings reported at the Georgetown Lighthouse include strange noises, cold spots, and the feeling of being watched. Visitors have also reported seeing the ghostly figure of a woman in white walking around the lighthouse grounds.

Haunted South Carolina

South Carolina is home to a multitude of haunted locations, each with its own unique history and chilling tales of ghostly activity. From the haunted halls of the South Carolina Lunatic Asylum to the eerie legends of the Gray Man of Pawleys Island, the state is teeming with otherworldly phenomena. 

If you want to delve deeper into the unearthly, book one of our ghost tours. We visit many of these haunted locations, where you can learn even more about their history and experience the spine-tingling sensations for yourself. Who knows, you might even encounter a ghostly apparition or two along the way.






