Lizzie Borden House, Fall River, MA
On August 4th, 1892, Andrew and Abby Borden were murdered in their Fall River, Massachusetts home, hacked to death by an axe. More than a century later, the story continues to captivate the morbid curiosities of True Crime fans and remains a staple in the horror community. Its popularity has never waned, and like a Christmas classic, there’s a version of the story for every generation and medium. Yet, there’s one part of the story that tends to get left on the cutting room floor: Lizzie Borden was never actually found guilty of murdering her parents. So, what’s the real story behind the infamous murders that maintain an icy grip on the nation’s psyche?

The Whacks Heard ‘Round the World
The morning of August 4th, 1892, started out like any other. Abby was a whirlwind, performing chores around the house in preparation for the arrival of John Vinnicum Morse, the brother of Lizzie and Emma Borden’s biological mother, Sarah. As Abby straightened up the house, Andrew was heading home after his morning walk. Little did he know what would await him just hours later.
As he lay down on the couch to rest, Abby lay upstairs on the floor, hacked to death. Andrew would soon join his wife in the afterlife, taking 11 strikes to the head, turning his nap into a permanent one. Lizzie Borden would be the one to discover the body, but evidence and statements given the day of the murders would point to her as the one who rendered them lifeless. Though ultimately acquitted, the narrative that she murdered her parents would follow her even after death, with a children’s lullaby to commemorate the occasion.

An Axe to Grind

It wasn’t hard to believe that Lizzie committed the murders; however, what’s lesser known is that she wasn’t the only person tied to the family who had a motive. In fact, there were a few players that potentially could’ve had a hand in the brutal slayings.
Bridget Sullivan was the long-time housekeeper for the Bordens, taking care of everything from keeping the house clean to preparing meals for the family. On the morning of the murders, Bridget carried out her regular duties, cleaning and cooking for the Bordens. Her schedule already full, she was given more chores by Abby to complete even though she, along with the family, was suffering from food poisoning. While upstairs carrying out her chores, she recalled hearing Lizzie cry out for her, claiming someone had killed her father. However, her statement contradicted the evidence as it was deduced that Abby Borden was already dead upstairs in a bedroom. Was Bridget telling the truth? Or did she lash out in anger over her mistreatment during a time of distress?
It was quite a coincidence that on the day of the murders, John Vinnivum Morse happened to be paying a visit to the Borden’s, considering Andrew was the widower of John’s sister and seldom visited following Sarah’s death. It’s said that his alibi to the police was a little too perfect, and despite never visiting, he stayed in the house the night of the murders. Did John have an axe to pick with Andrew?
The final culprit is one that can’t be seen. It seems the Lizzie Borden house was destined for horror from its inception. Several years before her parents received the whacks still heard around the world, Lizzie’s aunt, Eliza Borden, murdered her three children before taking her own life in the very same home where Andrew and Abby met their grisly end. Could the horrific actions that occurred that day put a curse on the family and home?
The Lizzie Borden House Today
The Lizzie Borden case remains one of the most high-profile unsolved murders in history. True Crime enthusiasts continue to share the details of the crime, while horror lovers try to make contact with the members of the ill-fated family. The house is as popular as ever, and US Ghost Adventures is committed to preserving the home to reflect its original state and its lasting legacy.
Today, the Lizzie Borden House serves as an inn, allowing guests to stay in the room where Abby’s body was discovered. By day, visitors can explore the museum where artifacts and the true story behind the murders are revealed. Visit the official Lizzie Borden site for more information on overnight stays, tours, souvenirs, and more!