When someone says the word “hospital”, the meaning and images which come to mind depend on the person and the context. However, the word asylum usually sends us straight to images of “lunatics”, crazy people, lobotomies, diseases of the mind, and worse. In terms of haunted places, it doesn’t matter whether you refer to a hospital or asylum. What they have in common are tragedy, sadness, uncertainty, and even death. It’s just the way of life that as many lives have been bettered and saved, others have turned for the worse and many have ended in the long histories of hospitals and asylums in the United States.
All of this relates directly to haunted happenings and mysterious unexplained rumors, sightings, and hauntings that seem so prevalent at many of the most haunted hospitals and asylums throughout the country. Where there is tragedy, sadness, and death…ghosts and ghost stories usually follow. If you decide to open the door to the stories and whispers connected to these haunted places, just remember–it was your choice to enter. Welcome to America’s Most Huanted Hospitals and Asylums.