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Welcome To Billings' #1 Rated Ghost Tour!

Conflict and violence laid the cursed foundations where Billings and its restless souls now sit, waiting for those brave enough to explore them.

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Venture with Billings Magic City Ghost Tours to lift the veil on the casualties of tragedy that filled the graves of Boothill Cemetery and the city with eerie apparitions and heavy ghostly energy.

Billings Magic City Ghost Tours

All tours meet at Yellowstone Art Museum, 401 N 27th St A, Billings, MT 59101
Tours last 1 hour across a 1-mile walking distance. Ask about the bonus extended tour to additional haunted locations!
Tours are held nightly
Simply bring your ID. You do not need a printed ticket or passes.
Visit for the most up-to-date parking info.

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Meeting location image for tour: Billings Magic City Ghost Tours
Collage of images of tour guests enjoying their tours

The Experiences You've Heard About

JoAnn Beck

Five Stars

Miranda was an excellent guide and provided so much historical info along with the chills of Savannah’s past. Would do this again.


Erica Solazzo

Five Stars

Our tour guide was very personable and engaging! Great knowledge of the history of the sites we visited! Definitely will be doing this again!


Aider 01

Five Stars

We really enjoyed our ghost tour.


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Preview The Most Haunted Locations In Billings

Alberta Bair Theater

Two apparitions haunt the Alberta Bair Theater, and their differing personalities make it easy to decipher between the two. Visitors either converse with the lingering spirit of Alberta Bair or try to avoid the negatively charged air of the mysterious, angry man whose raging presence is known to phy ...

Dude Rancher Lodge

Built with bricks from a former hospital, Dude Rancher Lodge has welcomed misplaced specters who once roamed St. Vincent’s wards. The porous material absorbed the tragic energy of the hospital, and the spirits of the unfortunate left to terrorize the lodge’s guests.

Yellowstone Art Museum

Long before it displayed the works of talented creatives, the Yellowstone Art Museum housed nefarious characters and was a final stop for the most vile villains. As the former county jail, the grounds have soaked in years of tumultuous energy manifested by three executions and the living evil the ja ...

Welcome To Billings Magic City Ghost Tours

Explore the Old West and pre-revolution America, where the otherworldly presence spans centuries of growth, progress, conflict, and tragedy. Listen for the gentle singing of a man facing the gallows and watch ethereal figures as they weave through contemporary Billings trying to complete unfinished business.

The Specters of the 8th Floor

Emotions run high in a courthouse, often leaving behind imprints of victims’ cries and a vile aura from the worst criminals. Yellowstone County Courthouse is a little different. Its spectral essence is a matter of circumstance, as the 8th floor was once home to the Yellowstone County Jail. 

Join Billings Magic City Ghost Tour to explore the history of the criminal justice system, with a stop in the 1960s shortly after the jail was added to the multi-storied courthouse. Death was no stranger to the old Yellowstone County Jail. During its operation, at least three inmates under 18 years old killed themselves, unaware of the eternal ramifications. 

Often, it sounds as if the jail never changed locations, as the day-to-day sounds of the imprisoned can be heard cutting through the dead silence. A popular spot for local paranormal groups and ghost hunters, the activity on the courthouse’s 8th floor is encouraged to continue, the energy from the undead resonating through the remaining metallic bars of the old jail cell.

What Will I See?

Visit Billing’s Most Haunted Locations, Including:

  • Dude Rancher Lodge – Built with bricks from a former hospital, Dude Rancher Lodge has welcomed misplaced specters who once roamed St. Vincent’s wards. The porous material absorbed the tragic energy of the hospital, and the spirits of the unfortunate left to terrorize the lodge’s guests.
  • Alberta Bair Theater – Two apparitions haunt the Alberta Bair Theater, and their differing personalities make it easy to decipher between the two. Visitors either converse with the lingering spirit of Alberta Bair or try to avoid the negatively charged air of the mysterious, angry man whose raging presence is known to physically affect those it touches. 
  • Yellowstone Art Museum – Long before it displayed the works of talented creatives, the Yellowstone Art Museum housed nefarious characters and was a final stop for the most vile villains. As the former county jail, the grounds have soaked in years of tumultuous energy manifested by three executions and the living evil the jail once housed.   

Laying the Foundation for the Otherworldly

Be careful with which bricks you use to lay a foundation, for you never know the evils soaked into their pores. Venture through the history of the Dude Rancher Lodge with Billings Magic City Ghost Tour and see first-hand the mistakes made with its construction. 

The lodge was built with bricks from St. Vincent’s Hospital, a place of misery and sorrow that saw countless deaths from the yellow fever, scarlet fever, and diphtheria epidemics. The souls of the gravely ill remained part of the hospital after their passing while many made the journey to the lodge. 

Billings Magic City Ghost Tour invites all to consider a night in the accommodations of Dude Rancher Lodge. Will you be visited by a wandering soul, forever separated from the site of their death? Or will your evening also be marked by uneven temperatures and the sounds of children at play?

The Yin and Yang of Billings’ Historic Theater

The Great Depression may have been a risky time to build a theater, but the construction of the nearby Fort Peck Dam in 1933 brought jobs to the growing Billings. This allowed the Fox Theatre to thrive for years until its eventual need for financial rescue in the 1970s. When calls for money to help repair and renovate the theater attracted the wealth of Alberta Bair, the theater’s future shifted course. 

Not only could the building continue to host events into the 21st century, but it also gave Alberta somewhere to go upon her passing in 1993. As you’ll hear on your Billings ghost tour, many of the theater’s employees have met the late beneficiary well after her passing. 

The same can’t be said for her male counterpart, an unidentified spirit said to date back to when it was still the Fox Theatre. An angry presence in an otherwise happy space, the unknown specter can alter the mood of those around him, countering Alberta’s merry manifestation. Find out who this brooding specter is on a spine-chilling ghost tour with Billings Magic City Ghost Tour.

Why is Billings so Haunted?

The Violent History of Billing’s First Jail

Swapping jail cells for art exhibits, the Yellowstone Art Museum is an entirely different space today than in the late 19th century. Shortly after Billings was founded, its first jail was built, and it didn’t take long for its cells to fill and violence to become commonplace. 

Venture with the Billings Magic City Ghost Tour through the turbulence of a Wild West jail, the whistling of murderer William Brooks echoing throughout. Phantom aromas and ethereal figures bring the 19th and 21st centuries together as if the veil separating the realms of the dead and the living has been pulled back. 

Prepare for an introduction to the jail’s worst as Billings Magic City Ghost Tour navigates a history full of executions, death, and violence. Uncover the stories of a former warden who continues to watch over the spectral inmates and more on a heart-pounding Billings ghost tour.

Billings’ Most Dedicated Family

A prolific family in Billings’ history, the Mosses have been integral to the town’s growth. David Hickman Moss helped establish an infrastructure for the growing city, from a central utility company to dial telephone lines. Yet his son, Preston Boyd Moss, carries the most influence.

It was P.B. Moss who built what’s known as The Moss Mansion, one of the most haunted locations in Billings. Generations of the Moss bloodline lived and died while the mansion, with some even dying within the walls of the estate. 

Join Billings Magic City Ghost Tour on a trek down the Moss family tree. Discover which family members remain behind, chilling visitors to the bone with a defensive presence. Through the history of The Moss Mansion, you’ll learn just how strong a family bond can be as it transcends even the afterlife.    

What’s so Special About the Billings Magic City Ghost Tour?

See A Different Side of The Magic City

You may not find scores of ectoplasmic residue or a full-torso apparition engaged in a good read, but you will see a different side of Billings at the local public library. Known for once being a Wild West town, the library represents the city’s evolution. However, the spirits that reside within are thought to have direct ties to the homes that once occupied the space.

Disembodied laughter and transparent patrons are said to be common occurrences within the public library. It’s difficult not to step foot in the Billings Public Library and almost immediately feel the essence of another life lingering nearby when no physical body is in sight.

A Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity to Uncover Billings’ Haunted Past

A relic of Billings’ past, the Billings Depot once welcomed many into the flourishing town. Trains came through, dropping all manner of travelers to explore the city. While trying to clean the depot up after Hollywood used it as a filming location, locals complained that the job wasn’t easy to get done. 

After all, it’s difficult to paint when cans of paint move on their own and the specters of yesteryear distract you from the task ahead. Learn about the old conductor and why he may return to Billings, of all the depots he must have seen in his life.

Book your Billings Magic City Ghost Tour for an intimate glimpse into the very haunted Montana city alongside some very enthusiastic locals.

* This is a walking tour and we do not enter privately-owned buildings or private property *


1) You love stories about the Wild West

Billings wasn’t always Billings. After the land was taken from the natives, Coulson became the first settlement to make a home. The settlement was the early makings of a civilized city, though it was caught in the debauchery of the Wild West. Murder, violence, robbery, and many other 

wicked acts left behind a negative energy that courses through modern-day Billings. Remnants of the Old West remain a part of Billings, and it’s likely their haunts linger in any of the historic buildings.

2) You’re a lover of theater

Love theater? You wouldn’t be the only presence that appreciates the stage. Show your gratitude to Alberta Bair, the primary reason the former Fox Theatre is still open. Still a patron of the old-school space, Alberta catches every performance while balancing the energy within the theater against the curmudgeonly specter whose origins remain a mystery. 

3) You come from a close-knit family

A family that haunts together stays together. Hear the intriguing tale of the Mosses, an affluent Billings family that won’t (or can’t) leave their home behind. If you’re close with your family, you may appreciate that many members of the Moss lineage remained behind to care for the youngest member to pass away. 

4) Asylum Distillery is on your list of places to visit

Asylum Distillery is a local favorite, and it’s not a surprise if travelers hear of its existence and want to make a stop. The Billings Magic City Ghost Tour spends some time discussing the spectral energy within the distillery, which may enhance your need to eventually visit during your stay. 

5) You love to grab a drink and dance

No, you won’t be stopping for libations and dancing during your Billings ghost tour, but you will hear all about Daisy Dukes Saloon and Dance Hall. Use the tales of the paranormal and possessed items as inspiration to return to the hall sometime after the tour and see which stories you can verify through your own supernatural experiences.

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