Top Ten Most Haunted: Portland Oregon

Posted by in US Ghost Adventures

As the sun sets over the city of Portland, Oregon, a sense of unease settles in as the shadows grow longer. Despite its reputation as a quirky and progressive city, Portland is also known for its dark and mysterious side.


Why is Portland Haunted?

From the historic Shanghai Tunnels to the Pittock Mansion, there are numerous haunted locations throughout the city. Read on to explore the chilling tales of Portland’s otherworldly past, where the spirits of the departed still linger and the veil between the living and the dead is thin.

Ready to see some of Portland’s most haunted locations in person? Book a ghost tour with Portland Ghosts!

Shanghai tunnels

The Shanghai Tunnels in Portland, Oregon, are known for their dark and mysterious history. These tunnels were once used to transport kidnapped sailors, who were then sold into slavery or forced labor on ships. Many of the tunnels were sealed after the practice was outlawed, but the remaining sections are said to be haunted by the ghosts of those who suffered and died there.

Visitors have reported hearing strange sounds, feeling cold spots, and even seeing apparitions—some claim to have been touched or grabbed by unseen forces. The haunting of the Shanghai Tunnels serves as a chilling reminder of the dark past that lies beneath the bustling streets of Portland.

The White Eagle

The White Eagle Saloon, situated in Portland, Oregon, has a reputation for being one of the most haunted places in the city. Guests have reported witnessing apparitions of previous patrons and staff, who are believed to still linger within the building. Visitors have experienced sudden coldness in the air, unexplained whispers and footsteps, and an eerie sensation of being watched by a presence that is invisible.

Some guests have even claimed to have been touched or shoved by an unseen force. One of the ghostly figures that is frequently seen is that of Rose, a former prostitute who is said to haunt the upstairs area where she once worked. Many guests have seen her ghostly form wandering the hallways and entering the rooms of unsuspecting guests. The White Eagle Saloon is a place where the dead remain restless, and those who visit do so at their own risk.

North Portland Library

The North Portland Library offers a serene environment for book lovers to explore various genres, but there are eerie reports that linger within its walls. Several patrons have encountered cold spots and ghostly whispers and felt the sensation of being watched by an unseen entity. The library’s history is steeped in a tragic past, with some believing that the spirits of former librarians still remain in the library, watching over their beloved books.

Others claim that the souls of those who died in a long-ago fire still haunt the premises, searching for peace. Whatever the source of these unexplained activities, it is undeniable that the North Portland Library is a place where the past and present intersect and where the boundary between this world and the next seems to blur. Would you dare to explore its halls and uncover the secrets within?

Jantzen Beach Carousel

Many believe that the Jantzen Beach Carousel in Portland, Oregon, is cursed by a vengeful ghost who met a tragic end while riding it decades ago. Visitors have reported hearing ghostly whispers and screams emanating from the carousel at night, with some even claiming to have seen a ghostly figure riding one of the horses.

Witnesses have also reported that the carousel’s music has started and stopped on its own, and the horses have been seen moving without any apparent human intervention. The atmosphere around the carousel is said to be heavy and have negative energy, and some people have reported feeling as though they were being watched by an unseen presence.

Lone Fir Cemetery

The Lone Fir Cemetery in Portland, Oregon, is a place of both beauty and sadness. The serene gardens are full of life and the air is fragrant with the scent of flowers. But the trees and headstones hold the stories of countless lives that have come and gone, leaving behind only memories and spirits that linger.

Many people have reported seeing strange apparitions and experiencing eerie encounters in the cemetery. Some have seen a mysterious woman in a white dress walking through the headstones, disappearing into the mist. Others have felt a cold breeze and heard disembodied voices whispering in their ears.

Another ghostly tale is that of the “Lone Fir Cemetery Jogger.” Many people have reported seeing the apparition of a man running through the cemetery at night, wearing 1970s-style athletic clothing. He always appears to be out of breath and is said to disappear as suddenly as he appears.

Old Town Pizza

According to local legend, Old Town Pizza in Portland, Oregon, is said to be haunted by the ghost of a young girl named Nina, who died in the building in the early 1900s. Reports from diners and employees suggest that Nina’s apparition can be seen walking through the restaurant or sitting at tables.

Some have even claimed to feel a ghostly brush against them. One particularly eerie incident involved unexplained movement captured on a security camera in the basement, where Nina’s former room was located. Regardless of your belief in the supernatural, a visit to Old Town Pizza is sure to leave you with an unsettling feeling and a memorable experience.

Heathman Hotel

The Heathman Hotel in Portland was a popular gathering spot for the city’s elite in the 1920s. One guest staying on the ninth floor reported being awakened in the middle of the night by the ghostly presence of a woman at the foot of his bed before she vanished.

It’s said that the woman was the ghost of a young woman who had committed suicide in one of the hotel’s rooms. Guests have since reported strange noises, cold breezes, and sightings of the lost and forlorn apparition wandering the halls of the ninth floor.

Pittock Mansion

In the early 1900s, Henry and Georgiana Pittock built their dream home atop a hill overlooking Portland. It was a grand and opulent mansion filled with treasures from their travels around the world. But even in death, the couple couldn’t bear to leave their beloved home.

Visitors and staff have reported seeing the ghostly figure of a woman in a long white dress, believed to be Georgiana, wandering the halls of the mansion. She’s often seen looking out the windows, gazing down at the city she loved so much.

But the most touching sightings are those of Henry and Georgiana together. They’ve been spotted holding hands, strolling through the gardens and admiring their home. It seems their love for each other and for their home was so strong that not even death could keep them apart.

The Benson Hotel

With its construction dating back to 1913, this hotel has a storied past of ghostly happenings. The specters of a lady in a ball gown and a deceased employee who perished in a fire have been witnessed by guests and employees in the corridors and rooms. Additionally, items moving on their own, doors opening and shutting unassisted, and strange noises have also been reported.

The hotel has acknowledged its haunted reputation and offers a “ghost package” for those wanting to stay in a supposedly haunted room and take part in a ghost hunt led by a local spectral expert.